Who is So Min in Goodbye Earth? Child Actress Biodata

So Min is one of the students of Teacher Jin Se Kyung in Goodbye Earth. So Min lives with her mother and two cousins. Talented South Korean child actress has performed the role of So Min in the Netflix Kdrama series Goodbye Earth. Let’s dig in to have at actress real name, age, and character details.

Who Plays So Min Goodbye Earth?

Actress Name

Kim Bo Min portrayed the character of So Min in the Goodbye Earth Kdrama series. She is only 13 years old. She appeared in many Korean dramas.

who plays so min in goodbye earth kdrama child actress

Actress & Character Details

Kim Bo Min is a super-talented child actress. Kim Bo Min played the role of So Min brilliantly. So Min is a brave student of Jin Se Kyung. She lives with her mother and two young cousins. But So Min spends most of her time with her friends Ha Yul and Jin Seo.

Jin Seo and So Min also do many different jobs to earn money and survive. When conditions become worse after the announcement of the asteroid collision, they live together to fight against any bad conditions. She takes care of her young cousins from the goons who kidnap kids.

Read More: Child Actor Kim Kang Hoon’s Complete Biodata

Jin Se Kyung kills the head of goons who kidnap kids. But due to her cycle, they reach So Min and the other students of Teacher Jin. Now, they are their target. Bute Teacher Jin rescues them from the goons once again, risking her own life.

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Sara Rayan

Sara Rayan is content writer at Showbiz Hut. She is responsible for writing the articles related to the latest dramas, series, and celebrity buzz with infectious enthusiasm. Sara has more than 5 years of experience in creating engaging content related to entertainment industry.