Shafiqa Iqbal Age, Education, Family, Salary & LinkedIn

Shafiqa Iqbal is a Pakistani Data Engineer who works at Google. She is a brilliant Pakistani software engineer who is the only Pakistani employee of Google out of 1300 employees. Let’s dig in to know Shafiqa Iqbal biography, age, education, salary, qualification, family, and job Details.

shafiqa iqbal biography age google salary pics

Shafiqa Iqbal Biography


Shafiqa Iqbal was born on 29 July 1997 in Sadiqabad, Pakistan and she is 25 years old now.

Shafiqa Iqbal Education

Data Engineer Shafiqa Iqbal has done BS Software Engineering from PUCIT (Punjab University College of Information Technology) New Campus Lahore. She completed her degree in 2018.


Shafiqa Iqbal’s family lives in Lahore, Pakistani. She currently lives in Warsaw, Poland.

shafiqa iqbal biography age google salary pics

Career as Data Engineer

Shafiqa started her career as a Data Engineer in 2018. She worked in different software houses in Lahore. Shafiqa also worked as a Freelancer on Upwork. She worked at CureMD and Northbay solutions in Lahore. She also wrote blogs about data science and other linked domains.

Shafiqa Iqbal Job at Google & Salary

Shafiqa Iqbal got hired by google in 2021. She got a chance to get interviewed at Google via her LinkedIn profile. She for hired by Google due to her good experience in data science. Shafiqa was among to-sellers on Upwork as well.

Shafiqa Iqbal works as Big Data Engineer at the Google office in Warsaw, Poland. She did not reveal her actual salary but her hiring by Google is a proud moment for all Pakistanis.   

shafiqa iqbal biography age google salary pics

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Social Media Handle

Instagram: littlelazyalpaca
Facebook: shafiqa.nobel

Shafiqa Iqbal LinkedIn

Here is the LinkedIn profile of Shafiqa Iqbal: shafiqa-iqbal

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