Muqaddar Ka Sitara Drama OST Lyrics in Urdu, ARY

Muqaddar Ka Sitara ARY Digital drama OST lyrics in Urdu with other details. Muqaddar Ka Sitara is an interesting drama of ARY Digital starring Fatima Effendi and Arez Ahmed in the lead cast. Here we have the drama Muqaddar Ka Sitara OST song lyrics in Urdu.

Muqaddar Ka Sitara OST Lyrics in Urdu

Dil Ne Btaya Mujhe Tou Hi Meri Duniya
Kar Dea Dil Teray Naam Sajna

Ronday Ronday Umeran Langian
Ankhan Gham Day Wich Rangian
Tere Bajon Mera Hour Koe Na
Ronday Ronday Umeran Langian

Stay tuned for More…….

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