Mamadou Haidara Biography, Age, Lupin, Family, Movies

Mamadou Haidara is an emerging French actor. Mamadou Haidara appeared as young Assane Diop in the Netflix series Lupin. His acting in the series is loved by fans. Here we have Lupin actor Mamadou Haidara biography, age, family, movies, and series details.

Mamadou Haidara Biography


Mamadou Haidara is 18 years old. His date of birth is 2005.

mamadou haidara biography age family movies lupin series


Mamadou Haidara has French Nationality.


Mamadou Haidara lives in France with his family. However, he never shared more details about his family.

Mamadou Haidara Girlfriend

Actor Mamadou Haidara is currently single.

Mamadou Haidara in Lupin Series

In the super hit Netflix series Lupin, Mamadou Haidara played the role of young Assane Diop. He performed the role of young Assane Diop brilliantly. Lupin was his debut series in 2021.

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Movies & TV Shows

1H30 Max
La Vie De Ma Mere

Social Media Handle

Instagram: mamadou_haidara_

Sara Rayan

Sara Rayan is content writer at Showbiz Hut. She is responsible for writing the articles related to the latest dramas, series, and celebrity buzz with infectious enthusiasm. Sara has more than 5 years of experience in creating engaging content related to entertainment industry.