List of Eid ul Adha 2023 Telefilms, Ary, Hum TV, Geo
Pakistani Eid telefilms are known for most entertaining stories and outstanding acting. List of Eid ul Adha 2023 Pakistani telefilms on Ary Digital, Hum TV, and Geo Entertainment. Just scroll down and get the complete list of Eid special telefilms and their cast details.
List of Eid ul Adha 2023 Telefilms
The following is the complete list of telefilms of Ary Digital, Geo Entertainemnt, and Hum TV on Eid ul Adha 2023.
Tamak Toiyan – Hum TV
Good Morning Sasu Maa – Hum TV
Jimmy Ki Aaye Gi Barat – Ary Digital
Kabhi Aar Kabhi Paar – Ary Digital
Khul Gayee Qismat – Ary Digital
Daku Bun Gaya Gentleman – Ary Digital
Budhi Ghori Lal Lagam – Geo TV
Fakhroo Ki Dulhaniya – Geo TV
Tamak Toiyan – Hum TV
Tamak Toiyan is a Hum TV Eid ul Adha special telefilm. The main characters are performed by Sonya Hussain and Shehzad Shiekh. The viewers will see an on-screen couple of drama Tere Bina Mein Nahin in new roles and outstanding acting.

Good Morning Sasu Maa – Hum TV
Good Morning Sasu Maa is another Eid special telefilm of Hum TV with the main cast Madihan Imam and Muneeb Butt. The story is full of comedy, romance, and emotions. On every Eid Hum TV produced the most entertaining content for their viewers.

Jimmy Ki Aaye Gi Barat – Ary Digital
Jimmy Ki Aaye Gi Barat is a most entertaining Eid 2023 telefilm. The cast consists of Hina Altaf, Aijaz Aslam, and Saba Hameed. The talented cast of this telefilm makes this more interesting. The viewers just love the on-screen couple of Hina Altaf and Aijaz Aslam.
Daku Bun Gaya Gentleman – Ary Digital
Daku Bun Gaya Gentelman is a Eid ul Adha special telefilm of Ary Digital. This telefilm is a perfect combination of comedy and entertainment. The main cast consists of Yasir Hussain and Mehrunish Haider.
Kabhi Aar Kabhi Paar – Ary Digital
This is an Eid ul Adha special telefilm by Ary Digital. The Kabhi Aar Kabhi Paar telefilm actors consists of Agha Ali, Aiza Awan and Maya Khan.
Khul Gayee Qismat – Ary Digital
Khul Gayee Qismat is a comedy telefilm of Ary Digital aired on Eid ul Adha 2023. The lead roles are performed by Mansha Pasha, Yasir Nawaz, Danish Nawaz, and Sahiba Rambo. The telefilms are a bundle of fun and entertainment.

Budhi Ghori Lal Lagam – Geo TV
Budhi Ghori Lal Lagam is a 2023 telefilm of Geo TV with lead cast Simi Raheel, Salman Shahid, Behroz Sabzwar and Huma Nawab. The story is written by Sheheryer Munwar and directed by Sheheryer Munwar.
Fakhroo Ki Dulhaniya – Geo TV
Fakhroo KI Dulhaniya is a romantic comedy telefilm with the lead cast Madiham Imam and Shehzad Sheikh. This is one of best telefilm of Geo on Eid ul Adha 2023.
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