Imran Khan Son Qasim Khan Age, Wife, Education, Pics

Imran Khan son Qasim Khan full biography, age, education, height, career, profession, mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, net worth, twitter, Instagram, and pics with family. He is the younger son of Pakistani politician Imran Khan and lives in London. Let’s look at Imran Khan’s son Kasim complete biodata and interesting facts about his personal and professional life.

Imran Khan Son Qasim Biography

Age & Height

Qasim Imran Khan was born on 10 April 1999 in London. He is 24 years old. His height is 6 feet.


He is completing his education in London and wants to become a politician in the future.

Mother & Brother

Qasim Khans’ mother name is Jemima Goldsmith, she is a British journalist. He has one brother named Sulaiman Khan.

Family & Hometown

Qasim lives in London with his elder brother Sulaiman Khan and his mother. He spend his childhood in Pakistan and moved to London after the divorce of his parents. He visits his father during their school holidays.

Read MORE: Interesting Facts About Imran Khan’s Son SULAIMAN

Wife / Girlfriend Name

He is not married yet and never shared any information about his relationship status.

Social Media Handles

Imran Khan Son Qasim Khan Instagram: His Social Media Accounts are not available publically

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