Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama Cast Name, Age, & Photos

Chinese 2023 drama Forever Love is the most-watched Chinese romantic drama. The entertaining drama story Forever Love impressed the drama viewers. This drama shows the love story of a rich bling girl and his handsome bodyguard. There are a total 30 episodes and the first episode was released on 31 August 2023. Get more information about the Chinese 2023 drama Forever Love full cast real name, age, photos, life partner, and much more.

Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama Cast Name

Dai Gao Zheng (Zhou Mo / Sheng Mo Yao)

Dai Gao Zheng is a rising star in the Chinese drama industry, he performed the character of a handsome bodyguard of Tong Tong named Sheng Moyao. In the start, she doubted him as the murderer of her father but with the passage of time, she knew the reality. Dai Gao is 27 years old and his recent famous drama was “Be Your Own Light”.

Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama Cast Name

Chen Fang Tong (Lin Xin Tong / Tong Tong)

Chen Fang Tong is a talented actress, she performed the role of Lin Xin Tong aka TongTong in this drama and proved her brilliant acting skills. The drama’s viewers love her on-screen couple and chemistry with Dai Gao Zheng. She is 30 years old.

Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama Cast Name

Hou Dong (Chi Shan)

Hou Dong performed the role of Chi Shan, who is the fiance of Tong Tong and cheats her to get her property. His real age is 27 years old. His latest dramas are “Sweet and Cold” and “Love at Second Sight”.

Ma Xin Yu (Xia Yu Wei)

Chinese actress Ma Xin Yu performed the role of Xia Yu Wei, the best friend of Tong Tong. Xia Yu Wei has a love affair with Tong Tong’s fiance and cheats her. She started her acting career in 2019. Her age is 27 years old.

Forever Love 2023 Chinese Drama Cast Name

Hu Xi Fan (Zhou Mo)

Hu Xi Fan is also a famous Chinese actor and known for performing the supporting roles in Chinese dramas. In Forever Love, he performed the role of the best friend of Sheng Mo Yao named Zhou Mo. His age is 34 years and his recent drama was “Fireworks of My Heart”.

Read MORE: Fireworks of My Heart Chinese Drama Actors Name

FAQs About Forever Love Drama

How many episodes of Forever Love 2023 are there?
There are a total of 30 episodes of Forever Love 2023.
Where can I see Forever Love Chinese drama?
Watch it on Viki and YouTube.

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Sara Rayan

Sara Rayan is content writer at Showbiz Hut. She is responsible for writing the articles related to the latest dramas, series, and celebrity buzz with infectious enthusiasm. Sara has more than 5 years of experience in creating engaging content related to entertainment industry.