Falak Shahzad Biography, Age, Mother, Family, Father, Dramas

Falak Shahzad is a Pakistani child actor. Here we have actor Falak Shahzad biography, age, mother, father, education, and dramas. He has played amazing roles in many dramas. Falak Shahzad has performed the role of Guddu in the drama serial Guddu. Let’s dig in to know about the child actor Falak Shahzad biography, age, family, dramas, and other interesting details.

falak shahzad biography age family dramas

Falak Shahzad Biography


Falak Shahzad was born on 4 October 2007 and he is 15 years old.


Falak Shahzad is in school. He has continued his showbiz career along with his studies.

Falak Shahzad Mother and Father

Falak Shahzad lives in Karachi with his parents. He has a very supportive family. They always encouraged him to pursue his career.

falak shahzad biography age family dramas

Showbiz Career

Falak Shahzad started his showbiz career at a very young age. He started his career with advertisements. He has appeared in many famous dramas. Badnaseeb is among his latest hit dramas.

Falak Shahzad has performed the lead role of Guddu in the Geo TV drama serial Guddu. He is also part of a drama starring Sajal Aly and Bilal Abbas.

falak shahzad biography age family dramas

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Falak Shahzad Dramas List

Here is the list of Falak Shahzad dramas list:

Mohabbat Tujhay Alvida

Social Media Handle

Instagram: thefalakshahzad_03

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