Ballerina Korean Movie Cast Name & Story – 2023 Film

Ballerina is a 2023 South Korean action and thriller movie released on Netflix. The story of the Ballerina revolves around a girl, who takes revenge for the murder of her friend. This movie was also premiered at the 28th Busan Film Festival. Ballerina’s film is written and directed by Lee Chung-hyun. Let’s look at the Korean movie Ballerina cast real name, age, and pictures.

Ballerina Korean Movie Cast

Jeon Jong Seo as Okju

Jeon Jong Seo is a well-known actress and model. She played the role of Okju in this movie. She is 29 years old. Her boyfriend’s name is Lee Chung-Hyun, who is also a director of Ballerina. Her previous famous movie was “The Call”.

Kim Ji-hoon as Pro Choi

Kim Ji Hoon performed the character of Pro Choi. He is 42 years old. His previous famous dramas are “Low to Hate You” and “Flower of Evil”. His upcoming series is “Death’s Game”.

Park Yurim as Minhee

Famous actress Park Yurim played the role of Minhee in Ballerina. Her real age is 30 years. Her famous dramas are “Miraculous Brothers” and “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”.

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Ji Hun Kim as Choi

Korean actress Ji Hun Kim performed the supporting role of Choi. She was also part of the Korean series “NonStop”.

Shin Se Hwi

Shin Se Hwi is part of the supporting cast of Movies. She is 30 years old. Her famous dramas are “Romance Bible” and “When You Love Yourself”.

Kim Mu Yeol

Actor Kim Mu Yeol performed a supporting role. His age is 41 years old. He has also played the roles in “Sweet Home Season 3”, and “High Cookie”. He started his acting career in 2007.

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Sara Rayan

Sara Rayan is content writer at Showbiz Hut. She is responsible for writing the articles related to the latest dramas, series, and celebrity buzz with infectious enthusiasm. Sara has more than 5 years of experience in creating engaging content related to entertainment industry.