Anwar Maqsood Biography, Age, Family, Wife, Son, Daughter, Sister Books

Anwar Maqsood is a famous Pakistani scriptwriter, actor, and humorist. Read about the Anwar Maqsood biography, age, birth date, family pics, wife name, son, daughter, sister, books, quotes, poetry, and net worth. He is known for his brilliant acting, hosting, and writing skills. He was awarded Hilal-eImtiaz in 2013. His most popular serial was a write-ups on PTV in 1970. Let’s dig into the complete biodata of Anwar Maqsood.

Anwar Maqsood Biography

Anwar Maqsood Biography

Age & Date of Birth

He was born on 7 September 1939 in Hyderabad State. He is 83 years old.

Family & Hometown

He lives in Karachi with his family. He belongs to Hyderabad, British India.

Wife Name

Anwar Maqsood’s wife’s name is Imrana Maqsood. She is a famous novelist and playwriter.

Daughter & Son

Anwar Maqsood and Imrana have one son named Bilal Maqsood and one daughter named Arjumand Ahmed. Bilal Maqsood is a Pakistani singer and songwriter.


He has three sisters Fatima Surayya Bajia, Zubaida Tariq, and Zehra Nigah. They all are very talenetd and play an outstanding role in the writing and entertainment industry of Pakistan.

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Social Media Handles

Anwar Maqsood Instagram: anwarmaqs00d
Anwar Maqsood Twitter: @ANWARMAQS00D

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