Dosray Ashray Ki Dua in Arabic & Urdu – 2nd Ashra Dua
Ramzan Dosray Ashray Ki Dua to read in Arabic and Urdu. 2nd Ashra of Ramadan Dua. Dosray Ashray ki Dua for Sunni, Fiqa Hanafi and Shia Maslak, Fiqa Jafira.
Dosray Ashray Ki Dua in Arabic – 2nd Ashra

Read More: Roza Iftar Kerne Ki Dua in Arabic & Urdu
2nd Ashra of Ramadan is called Ashra-e-Maghfirat. It is to seek the forgiveness of All Almighty for all sins. Pray for the blessing of Allah. The second Ashra of Ramzan begins on the 11 Ramadan and ends on the 20 Ramadan.
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